The second day of the Westminster Dog Show happened to fall on Valentine’s Day and what a coincidence as we all had a date with the top dogs of this nation. Word has it that when Westminster falls on Valentine’s Day the crowds are larger at Westminster as men bring their dates, girlfriends or wives to the show for Valentine’s Day. Now this may be hearsay but the crowds at Westminster Tuesday were immensely larger than on Monday.
One handler, Brianne Rock, who represented a Great Dane named Hulett mentioned, “Westminster was the hit spot for New Yorkers when the shows lands on Valentine’s Day.” Obviously this is not the first time she has been to Westminster on Valentine’s Day. Both the staging areas and the floor were a mass of people. Many competitors had to allow extra time to get to the ring.
Wandering around the staging area, one was taken by the camaraderie and the doting over the dogs. The commonality that seemed to pervade the hall was that everyone was thrilled to be there whether they won or not. This feeling was exuded from both the handlers and owner/handlers.
As handler, Joseph Diaz, who was handling a Harlequin Great Dane named Lynn said, “Getting Lynn here is a win as she was the only Harlequin. This is an Aristocrat Dog with an aristocratic gentleman.”
Behind the scenes there were a couple of amazing stories to be found. There were several service dogs that competed. Sydney, a Golden Retriever is a search and rescue dog that competed for Best of Breed in the Golden ring. This very laid back Golden is both a search and rescue dog for humans and cadavers. It amazing that when her owner puts the show lead on this dog, Sydney knows it is time to show. In show mode she won Best Opposite Sex, a very deserving title.
There was a Service Dog for Mobility, a Bull Mastiff named Scarlett, a Champion who was being show in Obedience by the owner Dawn O’Brien’s daughter.
On this day, the Valentine of the Day was the Pekingese. The line up for Best in Show was spectacular. All were winners were be mines. You could not find fault with the stride of the Doberman Pincher, the Irish Setter, the German Shepherd or the Dalmatian. The Wire Haired Dachshund and the Kerry Blue Terriers charmed the audience too.
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